søndag 10. januar 2016

Week 1: Wow Wow Wow

It's been a long time. I haven't written anything for the last two months or so.
I know it's not good.

This is really just a small little post to say that i just had my first week back at school since 2015. 2016 is over us and now we are starting new projects. I'm in the beginning stages of making a cute t-shirt with my spirit animal, the penguin. 

There is also going to be something called "open school" the 21 of January at my school. We made posters for it and me with three of my other friends are gonna make a quick 1-2 minute video for the 60's inspired fashion show that's going to be on this event. Just to start the whole thing up.

Week 2 to come. Look forward to it!